Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A Week Later

Wow, I just realized another week has gone by. I've meant to post almost every day since the last and either I ran out of time or just thought I would keep saving my thoughts for a longer post. Now watch, I won't remember half of what I was thinking I wanted to mention.

First, Aaron started school yesterday. I called him and left a message on his cell phone before school and then his Dad called me to let me know he had dropped him off and everything was a go. Still waiting to here how things are going as I've not talked to him since last Friday. And then he was at a clinic waiting to get a Hep B shot that the state of NV requires for entrance into the school system. I sure do miss him and wish he was calling. I'm trying to give him some time to adjust but it sure is hard to not know what is going on with him from day to day after being so wrapped up in his world for all these years.

Second, I'm up to 3.5 lbs lost now and am doing well. I came in at or under points each day last week and went to the gym all the days it was open. Last night I went to the Yoga / Pilates class and really enjoyed it. Tonight is the circuit training class that is also on Thursday nights. I had originally intended to workout in the mornings, but if I can do the 3 classes after work and not struggle to get to work on time, I'll do it.

Lastly, I finally ordered and received the Youngevity products I ordered. I've been listening to the Dead Doctor's Don't Lie podcast by Dr. Joel Wallach since I heard Trucker Tom mention the show months ago. Since then, I've been making notes on the different products I'd be interested in and I thought would help me with my various issues. With started the weight loss program after the first, I knew it was time to order. I really needed help losing the carbs and getting rid of the cravings. I'm happy to say, that less than a week into taking the products, I'm almost having to force myself to eat as I'm not hungry and definitely not craving anything. I'm actually hungry when I eat.

Here's what I ordered:

Feret Fat Pak
Women's FX
Slender FX
Women's Hormonal

So, I'm taking all that plus all the other vitamins and minerals and things that I normally take. I sure take a lot of stuff, but it's all natural and I feel good.

The girls are doing well despite missing Aaron and I'm thrilled that Heather is going to be able to watch them while Dave and I are in Oregon. If only I can get them all groomed and in good behavior before they go visit :)

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